President Barack Obama said on Wednesday he was "deeply disturbed" by recent events in Cuba, including the death of a hunger striker protesting his political imprisonment and repression of peaceful protests by families of political prisoners.
"These events underscore that instead of embracing an opportunity to enter a new era, Cuban authorities continue to respond to the aspirations of the Cuban people with a clenched fist," Mr. Obama said, calling for the immediate release of all Cuban political prisoners.
The strongly worded statement adds to mounting international pressure on Cuba over the events of the past few weeks.
(Wall Steet Journal)
Obama suddenly slaps Cuba over human rights
President Obama took the unusual step Wednesday afternoon of issuing a special denunciation of Cuba's human rights policies, after a year of advocating improved relations after nearly a half-century of political estrangement with the island neighbor.
"Instead of embracing an opportunity to enter a new era," Obama said, "Cuban authorities continue to respond to the aspirations of the Cuban people with a clenched fist."
(Los Angeles Times)
Obama condemns Cuba's 'clenched fist' repression
The US president has urged Cuba to respect the rights of its people, condemning it for treating its citizens with a "clenched fist".
Barack Obama said those who dared to voice the aspirations of their fellow Cubans were punished for their bravery.
Cuban dissident Orlando Zapata Tamayo died after starving himself to death in protest in February.
Urging the country to release its political prisoners, Mr Obama described such events as "deeply disturbing".
"I remain committed to supporting the simple desire of the Cuban people to freely determine their future and to enjoy the rights and freedoms that define the Americas," he said in a written statement.
(BBC News)

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